After finally arriving in Haiti, I was blown away. Everyone told me that it was going to be so indescribable and I wouldn't even know how to start explaining it to people. I now totally understand that. I can tell you, though, that I've learned more throughout these past couple of weeks than I would've ever dreamed of learning in school.
Prescott and Michael kite-flying |
As some of you know, I wasn't given a whole lot of information before leaving for Haiti. I was told that a lot of it I would just need to experience and see what I got there. Now that I'm here, I can give people a better background of what it is I'm doing. First of all, I'm traveling with Chad Haber, his 12-year-son Prescott Haber, and a salesman from Sioux Falls named Dave Jansa. The four of us make a pretty good team. Dave and Chad handle a lot of business, and I help where I can while being Prescott's tutor. Prescott is technically being homeschooled right now, as he was pulled out of Patrick Henry Middle School to travel to Haiti with us. Day one of homeschooling: kite flying on the beach. While Chad and Dave travelled into Port-Au-Prince to do some business, Prescott and I tried getting this huge kite in the air with little wind. It didn't work so well, and after watching the instructional video twice, we decided to wait for better wind conditions and go swimming instead. Prescott loves homeschooling.
We are currently staying at a beach resort right now called Kaliko. It's nice and very safe here, so that's why we've decided on calling this place our home. We are currently in the process of negotiating a long-term stay. Some people have posed the question when referring to our better than average living conditions, "Isn't that immoral?" Well yes and no. But safety is our top priority.
Besides Chad, Prescott, Dave, and I, we have another integral part to our team right now. His name is Michael St-Vilien and he's our Haitian translator (among other things). He was waiting for us as we got off the plane, and Michael is someone that Chad met during his very first trip to Haiti. We didn't go through big introductions, I was just told to trust him with my life. Now that I know him more and see his intelligence and heart, I'm certain that my life is in more than excellent hands with him as our guide. He's not only helps us out with translations, but he plays a huge role in founding this school. Michael's on the Board of Directors for Preventive Health Strategies, and has been involved in our dream since day one. He has tremendous experience with things like mobile clinics and even helping sustain orphanages. Amazing resume for a 21 year old.
After getting off the plane, I don't think I spoke for the rest of the day. I just stared out the window with wide eyes and couldn't believe I was actually here. Haiti shocked me. I had tried looking at some pictures and videos of Haiti before I left to prepare me a little for what I was going to see. But this experience driving from the airport to our hotel was unreal. The sun sets at around 6:00 here, so half of our drive ended up being in the dark through these narrow roads with people scattered everywhere on them. It was also the week of mardi gras, so everyone was out and about on the streets. I couldn't believe how we didn't get in an accident, because a lot of people didn't have headlights, there were people constantly darting across the street, there were stray animals roaming, and every vehicle was constantly swerving around the bad spots in the road as a result of the earthquake. It was amazing to me how skilled the drivers were and how everyone understood the unwritten rules of the road. Michael told me that there's not much you can get a ticket for. I asked him what isn't allowed when it comes to traffic, and he told me hitting someone and bad parking.

After getting checked into our room, we sat down to eat while kompa music serenaded us. I ate goat without realizing it, gorged on some of the best chicken nuggets I've seriously ever encountered, and again recognized what a huge wimp I am when it comes to spicy foods. I went back to my room and just felt really lonely. I sat on my bed and wondered how this was all going to turn out. I was living with 4 boys whom I've just met, there were so many things about this country that I didn't understand, I didn't know what my expectations were, and I was still really confused as to what I was going to bring to this PHS team.
After two weeks, I have a better understanding of my role here. I do feel like this is where I'm supposed to be, and where my talents are being put to their greatest use. I love being able to help Prescott pass the 6th grade, I love being able to meet children everyday that light up my life, I love promoting our work to the world, I love the feeling that I'm making a difference, and I love being a part of PHS. Our main goal is still set on building a school and a clinic here in Haiti. However, we're also doing anything we can to help people who really need it. This includes looking for places to run clinics, giving food to orphanages, visiting schools that are in need of some help, etc. We're also spending a lot of time fundraising and getting our story out there. I hope you all follow us on our journey.